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Free Programming Website

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

STFORUM.COM free project with source codes

STFORUM.COM   free project with source codes

This is a web application developed in ASP.NET batch started on 27th May,2003. It is based on Online Forum concept where registered users can post questions and other registered users can reply to the posted questions.
This application is to be added to either as-it-is or with some minor modifications.
This application incorporates the following features of ASP.NET:
  • Code for application events using Global.asax
  • Form-based security and relaxing security for a directory so that anonymous users can access it
  • Data Access - SQL Server is backend
  • Calling stored procedure
  • Confirming user's registration by sending mail to user
  • Uses controls such as DataGrid and Repeater
  • Web services
  • Uses Middle-tier objects , which are accessed from ASP.NET Pages
Download source code. Unzip the STFORUM.ZIP to create STFORUM directory. Create a virtual directory STFORUM that points to the directory STFORUM on the disk.

Customer Relationship Management free project with source codes

Customer Relationship Management  free project with source codes

This is a typical CRM application to store and perform various operations related to customers. It allows user(employees of the company) to store details of customers and their appointments. It also provides required documents to be viewed by customers.

This also provides users the option to cancel/modify and appointment. Users can search for customers and provide remarks regarding their
appointment with customer.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory CRM in d:\)
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\crm
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. Change the path used in web.config and Database.cs as it refer to the path of the database file.
  7. You should see login.aspx page.

Online Tenders free project with source codes

Online Tenders  free project with source codes

This application allows contractors who are interested in filing tenders for various jobs related to the company. Each contractor is given a unique id for login and other operations. Contractor logs in with this id and files tenders for jobs he would like to handle.
Contractor can modify/delete his tenders. He can also search for jobs based on location, duration etc.
This provides typical users option like forgot password, registartion, change password and change profile.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory tenders in d:\)
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\tenders
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. Change the path used in web.config and Database.cs as it refer to the path of the database file.
  7. You should see login.aspx page.

Intranet Messaging free project with source codes

Intranet Messaging  free project with source codes

This is an intranet application used to send messages to other users of the same system. It allows users to send messages with attachment, receive messages, search for users, and maintain address book.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory messaging in d:\.
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\messaging
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. Change the path used in web.config and Database.cs as it refer to the path of the database file.
  7. You should see login.aspx page.

VizagRealEstate.Com free project with source codes

VizagRealEstate.Com free project with source codes

This is a website to allow users to provide details of their properties that are for sale. It also allows users to search for properties that are for sale. Users can also add their requirements regarding the property they want to buy.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
  • CMailServer

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory vizagrealestate in d:\.
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\vizagrealestate
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. You should see login.aspx page.
  7. You can start by creating a new user or user existing users in USERS table of the database.

Contracts Management Tool free project with source codes

Contracts Management Tool  free project with source codes

This application is used by a consulting company to manage its contracts between clients and candidates. It also helps to keep track of requirements of the clients and searching for suitable candidates for a requirement.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory cmt in d:\.
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\cmt
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. You should see login.aspx page.

Library Management System free project with source codes

Library Management System  free project with source codes

This web application is used to handle typical operations in a library system. This application is developed for librarians. Issuing book, returning book, adding member, and searching for books are some of the major operations of this application.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

File Structure

The following is the directory structure of this application.
 |- App_Data
 |    |-Database.mdf
 |- App_Code
 |    |-Database.cs
 |- App_Themes
 |    |-style.css
 |- all
 |    |-LibraryService.asmx
 |- photos (this directory contains .jpg files of members)
 |- default.aspx
 |- login.aspx
 |- addtitle.aspx
 |- addmember.aspx
 |- Masterpage.master
 |- memberinfo.aspx
 |- members.aspx
 |- changepassword.aspx
 |- deletemember.aspx
 |- issue.aspx
 |- returnbook.aspx
 |- memberslist.aspx
 |- searchbooks.aspx
 |- web.config
 |- web.sitemap
 |- updatemembers.aspx
 |- logout.aspx

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Logout logout.aspx
Delete Member deletemember.aspx
Master page of all Masterpage.master
Home Page Default.aspx
Change password changepassword.aspx
Add Title addtitle.aspx
Add Member addmember.aspx
Iseue of book issue.aspx
Return of book returnbook.aspx
Search books searchbooks.aspx
Update Members updatemembers.aspx
Member Information memberinfo.aspx
List of books books.aspx

Structure of Tables


uname - varchar(10)
pwd - varchar(10)
fullname - varchar(30)


subcode - varchar(10)
subname - varchar(30)
di - datetime


mid - int
mname - varchar(30)
depositamt - int
djoin - datetime
email - varchar(40)
occupation - varchar(50)


tid - int
title - varchar(30)
subcode - varchar(10)
authors - varchar(50)
price - int
dp - datetime
publishers - varchar(30)
status - char(1)


tid - int
mid - int
di - datetime
issuedby - varchar(10)


tid - int
mid - int
di - datetime
dr - datetime
issuedby - varchar(10)
returnedto - varchar(10)
fineamt - int

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory lm in d:\.
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\lm
  4. Add SQL Database file to your project and create necessary tables as shown above.
  5. Create issuebook and returnbook procedures as shown below.
     @tid int,
     @mid int,
     @di  datetime,
     @issuedby varchar(10)
    declare @nbooks int
    /* check titles availablity */
    if  not exists( select * from titles where tid = @tid and status  = 'a')
       raiserror('Title is not present or not available',15,1)
    /* check members availablity */
    if  not exists (select * from members where mid = @mid )
       raiserror('Invalid member id!',15,1)
     @tid int,
     @dr datetime,
     @user  varchar(10)
    declare @fine int
    declare @mid int
    declare @issuedby varchar(10)
    declare @di datetime
    /* check tid is valid */
    if not exists (select * from issues where tid = @tid)
        raiserror('Title is not in the issued titles!',15,1)
    /* calculate fine */
    select  @fine=case
              when datediff(dd,di,getdate()) > 15 then datediff(dd,di,getdate())-15
              else 0
    from issues where tid = @tid;
    select @mid = mid, @di = di, @issuedby=issuedby
    from issues where tid = @tid;
    /* insert a row into returns */
    begin tran
    insert into returns
    delete from issues where tid = @tid;
    update titles set status ='a'
    where tid = @tid
    commit tran
  6. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  7. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  8. You should see login.aspx page.

School Projects free project with source codes

School Projects  free project with source codes

These projects were developed with SQL Server 2000 as the back-end and ASP.NET as the front-end. Code was written in Visual Basic.Net and Visual Studio.Net was used to develop the application. These projects were developed in an ASP.NET batch as classroom projects ( to show how to consolidate various topics to develop a complete project).
This project is consisting of two projects, which are:
  • A website for parents of the students to get information about their childern.
  • An intranet application for administration staff to feed marks, handle complaints etc.

How do you run?

You have to follow the steps given below to run these projects - Myschool and MySchoolAdmin.

  1. Download into your system.
  2. Unzip using WinZip.
    You get two directories - MySchool and MySchoolAdmin .
  3. Create two virtual directories one for MySchool and another for MySchoolAdmin. The virtual directories must point to physical directories into which you extracted the file.
  4. Set default page in IIS for myschool virtual directory as home.aspx.
  5. Connect to SQL Server as user sa.
  6. Create a database in SQL Server - CREATE DATABASE MYSCHOOL .
  7. Make myschool database the current database by using - USE MYSCHOOL command.
  8. Create tables required for these applications by running CREATE TABLE commands that are found in the file tables.txt in myschool directory.
  9. Insert some sample data into tables
  10. Open the required application in Visual Studio.Net 2003 and run it.

Note : Some of the operations are not implemented. Students are expected to write code for those operations. They are left as assignments to students.

VDCA free project with source codes

VDCA  free project with source codes

This is an intranet application that allows staff of VDCA(Visakhapatnam District Cricket Association) to enter details of teams, players, matches and statistics of local league matches.

Major Operations

The following are the major operations of this application.
  • User logs into site with username and password
  • Adding details of new team
  • Adding details of new player
  • Adding details of a match
  • Adding batting details of a match
  • Adding bowling details of a match
  • Modifying the details of teams
  • Modifying the details of players of a team
  • Allowing user to change password
  • Displaying all matches
  • Displaying the Scoreboard of a match
  • Displaying the details of players of a team.
  • Search for matches
  • Providing Webservice

Technologies and Products used

  • .Net Framework 1.1
  • Visual Studio.Net 2003
  • SQL Server 2000
The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Home Page home.aspx
Adding Team addteam.aspx
Adding Player addplayer.aspx
Adding Match addmatch.aspx, AddMatch Stored Procedure
Adding Batting Details addbatting.aspx
Adding Bowling Details addbowling.aspx
Searching For matches search.aspx
Displaying all matches allmatches.aspx, GetFirstTeam and GetSecondTeam stored functions
Change Password changepassword.aspx
Logout logout.aspx
Default Page default.aspx
Modify Teams modifyteam.aspx
Players of a team teamplayers.aspx
Modifying details of a players of a team modifyplayers.aspx (not included)
Scoreboard of a Match scoreboard.aspx, batting.aspx, bowling.aspx
Creating required Tables tables.txt
Creating ADDMATCH stored procedure addmatch.sql
Creating GETFIRSTTEAM stored function getfirstteam.sql
Creating GETSECONDTEAM stored function getsecondteam.sql
Configuration Details web.config
Pictures related to players JPG files in IMAGES directory.
Web Service all\WSVdca.asmx
Configuration of Web Service all\web.config
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT directory (assuming Windows is installed in C drive) li>Connect to SQL Server and create VDCA database as follows:
  2. Make VDCA the current database by giving the following command
  3. Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some data into USERS table.
  4. Start IIS and create a virtual directory with the name VDCA and make it refer to physical directory C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\VDCA
  5. Open Visual Studio.Net 2003 and open the project from C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\VDCA.
  6. Build the project.
  7. Invoke IE and give the following URL:
    It should display Login Page. Login in with user name and password that inserted into USERS table.

Groups free project with source codes

Groups  free project with source codes

This is an intranet/internet application that allows users to share files, messages, and links.

Technologies and Products used

  • .Net Framework 1.1
  • Visual Studio.Net 2003
  • SQL Server 2000

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Home Page default.aspx
Search for groups searchgroups.aspx
Join a group joingroupform.aspx, joingroup.aspx
Channge password changepassword.aspx
Creating new group creategroup.aspx
Modify groups managegroups.aspx
Group home grouphome.aspx
List of messages messages.aspx
Post new message postmessage.aspx
Displaying message details message.aspx
List of files file.aspx
Upload new file addfile.aspx
Creating required Tables tables.txt
Creating CREATEGROUP procedure sp_creategroup.sql
Creating DELETEGROUP procedure sp_deletegroup.sql
Configuration Details web.config
Files that are uploaded files folder
Web Service all\groupsws.asmx
Forgot password all\forgotpassword
Configuration file for ALL folder all\web.config
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT directory (assuming Windows is installed in C drive) li>Connect to SQL Server and create GROUPS database as follows:
  2. Make GROUPS the current database by giving the following command
  3. Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert some data into USERS table.
  4. Start IIS and create a virtual directory with the name GROUPS and make it refer to physical directory C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\GROUPS
  5. Open Visual Studio.Net 2003 and open the project from C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\GROUPS.
  6. Build the project.
  7. Invoke IE and give the following URL:
    It should display Login Page. Login in with user name and password that inserted into USERS table.

Examination System free project with source codes

Examination System   free project with source codes

This is the examination application that is part of In the process of upgarding website -, this project is the replacement of the current examination system. This is a project developed using ASP.NET 2.0.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2000

File Structure

The following is the directory structure of this application.
 |- App_Code
 |    |-DBUtil.cs
 |    |-Examination.cs
 |    |-Question.cs
 |- App_Themes
 |    |-all
 |    |  |-all.css
 |    |  |
 |    |-dark
 |       |-all.css
 |- all
 |    |- forgotpassword.aspx
 |    |- newuser.aspx
 |    |- all.master
 |- login.aspx
 |- changepassword.aspx
 |- examination.aspx
 |- takeexam.aspx
 |- main.master
 |- previousexams.aspx
 |- reviewquestions.aspx
 |- default.aspx
 |- showresult.aspx
 |- tables.sql
 |- Web.config

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Master page main.master
Master page for annonymous user all.master
Home Page default.aspx
change password changepassword.aspx
Exams History previousexams.aspx
Select subject takeexam.aspx
Examination examination.aspx
Showing results showresult.aspx
Review of questions reviewquestions.aspx
Forgot password forgotpassword.aspx
Registration of new user newuser.aspx
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory exam in d:\ . li>Connect to SQL Server and create EXAM database as follows:
  2. Make EXAM the current database by giving the following command
  3. Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert appropriate data into tables.
  4. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  5. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\exam.
  6. Goto Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
  7. Run project from VWD 2005 EE.
  8. You should see login.aspx page.

Web Master Utilities Of free project with source codes

Web Master Utilities Of  free project with source codes

This web master utilities is used for Web Master of This allows web master (Srikanth) to keep track of activitites of the web site.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2000
  • SMTP Server

File Structure

The following is the directory structure of this application.
 |- App_Code
 |    |-Database.cs
 |- App_Themes
 |    |-all
 |       |
 |       |-styles.css
 |- all
 |    |- schedule.xml
 |    |- STServices.asmx
 |- pictures (folder)  |
 !- default.aspx
 |- login.aspx
 |- changepwd.aspx
 |- feedback.aspx
 |- Masterpage.master
 |- allusers.aspx
 |- batchrequirements.aspx
 |- examreport.aspx
 |- questions.aspx
 |- schedule.aspx
 |- sendmailtoall.aspx
 |- searchusers.aspx
 |- userinfo.aspx
 |- tables.sql
 |- Web.config
 !- web.sitemap

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Master page Master.master
Home Page default.aspx
Change password changepwd.aspx
All users allusers.aspx
Batch Requirements batchrequirements.aspx
Exam Report examreport.aspx
Bach Schedule schedule.aspx
Send Mail To All sendmailtoall.aspx
Search Users searchusers.aspx
User Info userinfo.aspx
Feedback feedback.aspx
Questions of Subject questions.aspx
Webservice For STServices all/STServices.aspx
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory wmu in d:\ .
  2. Connect to SQL Server and create wmu database as follows:
  3. Make wmu the current database by giving the following command
    USE wmu
  4. Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert appropriate data into tables.
  5. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  6. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\wmu
  7. Goto Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
  8. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  9. You should see login.aspx page.

Personal Accounting free project with source codes

Personal Accounting  free project with source codes

This web application allows users to store details regarding expenses, income, fixed deposits, mutual funds and insurace. Apart from provides required reports and searching facility, it also reminds user about maturity of fixed deposits and insurance premium policy dues.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2000
  • SMTP Server - CMaliServer

File Structure

The following is the directory structure of this application.
 |- App_Code
 |    |-Database.cs
 |- App_Themes
 |    |-all
 |        |-all.css
 |- all
 |    |- forgotpassword.aspx
 !- default.aspx
 |- login.aspx
 |- changepwd.aspx
 |- allusers.master
 |- main.master
 |- addincomehead.aspx
 |- addincome.aspx
 |- adddeposit.aspx
 |- editdeposits.aspx
 |- depositsreport.aspx
 |- incomereport.aspx
 |- logout.aspx
 |- mfreport.aspx
 !- searchexp.aspx
 !- searchincome.aspx
 |- tables.sql
 |- Web.config
 !- web.sitemap
 !- unregister.aspx
 !- unregisteruser.sql

Operations and related files

The following table lists operations and associated objects and files.
Operation Files
Login login.aspx
Master page of all all.master
Master page of logged in users main.master
Home Page default.aspx
Change password changepwd.aspx
Add income head addincomehead.aspx
Add income entry addincome.aspx
Add deposit adddeposit.aspx
Search income entries searchincome.aspx
Search exp entries searchexp.aspx
Editing Deposits editdeposits.aspx
Income Report incomereport.aspx
Mutual Funds Report mfreport.aspx
Logout logout.aspx
Unregister user unregister.aspx
Register User all\register.aspx
Forgot Password all\forgotpassword.aspx
The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application :
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory personalaccounting in d:\ .
  2. Connect to SQL Server and create pa database as follows:
  3. Make pa the current database by giving the following command
    USE pa
  4. Create required tables using TABLES.TXT file and also insert appropriate data into tables.
  5. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  6. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\personalaccounting
  7. Goto Solution Explorer and make login.aspx the startup page.
  8. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  9. You should see login.aspx page.

Admin Project

This application is used by Adminstrator of Personal Accounting application to send mails and news letters to users. Follow the steps below to extract and run this application.
  1. Download and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory paadmin in d:\ .
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\paadmin
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. You should see default.aspx page with menu and select required option in the menu.

Front Office Automation free project with source codes

Front Office Automation  free project with source codes

This is an intranet application used to automate operations related to a typical front-office of a training centre.
This allows a user to log in and add details of batches, students and payments. It also provides search of students, payments report, information about batches and students.

Technologies and Products used

  • ASP.NET 2.0
  • C# language
  • Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to related to be taken to run the existing part of the application:
  1. Download FOA.ZIP and unzip it into any directory in your system. (For example if you extract to d:\ then it will create a directory FOA in d:\)
  2. Open Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project.For example, d:\foa
  4. Goto Solution Explorer and make default.aspx the startup page.
  5. Run project from VWD 2005 Express Edition.
  6. You should see login.aspx page.

Librarian Module free project with source codes

Librarian Module  free project with source codes

This is an intranet application that is used to by Librarian to do the following:
  • Login
  • Search for books on title and author
  • Issue books to members
  • Handle return of book
  • Generate issues report
  • Displaying book's issues history
  • Displaying member's issues history
The following are the topics of ASP.NET used in this project.
  • Asp.Net 4.0
  • C# Language
  • SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
  • Visual Studio.NET 2010
  • Layered Architecture with Presentation Layer (ASP.NET Pages) and Data Access Layer (C# Classes)
  • All database manipulations are done with stored procedures.
  • Stored procedures are accessed using classes in DAL - Data Access Layer.
  • ObjectDataSource is used in presentation layer to talk to DAL.
  • Master page and themes are used
  • Treeview and sitemap features
  • ADO.NET is used to access database
  • Forms authentication
The following are the major operations in this application.

Steps to download, deploy and run this project

The following are the steps to be taken to run the existing part of the application.
  1. Download librarianmodule.rar and unzip it into any directory in your system. For example, if you extract to c:\ then it will create a directory c:\librarianmodule. The project comes with its own database, which is Database.mdf in App_Data folder. It contains required tables and stored procedures.
  2. Open Visual Studio.NET 2008/2010
  3. Open the project from the directory into which you extracted project. For example, c:\librarianmodule
  4. Run project from Visual Studio.NET.
  5. You should see login.aspx page.
  6. The database that is present in App_Data folder contains some sample data. It has user a with password a.
  7. Test the rest of the options.